Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 14: Pierre, SD Elevation: 1744

Miles: 73.53
Average Speed: 12.66
Max Speed: 24.30
Total Miles: 429

The gods were smiling today, or maybe it was the hippie family and home-cooked meal.  Took two hour long breaks and more than a dozen shorter. Temp in mid 80s and no wind after 55 miles, and then it was partially following.  A good day all in all.

These photos are from the little hamlet of Blunt, SD.  I'll post a few of Pierre tomorrw and of the river which is still above flood stage.

I hope you're all doing well.


  1. Okay, I'm starting to get envious now.

  2. Impressive day!!! I'm so glad that the conditions have improved. The heat wave has hit the northeast this week and I can barely manage a run let alone 55 miles of riding. I'm glad that you sat the worst of it out and you are back on the road again.
